
Let's build a positive future together

Skills4Aid in 4 points


Act honestly, transparently and ethically in all activities and relationships.


Working to promote equal opportunities, human rights and social equity.


Taking responsibility for our actions and their impact


Adopt new and creative techniques to solve problems.

Les secteurs de compétences

Skills4Aid accompagne ses membres pour des initiatives de renforcement de compétences locales dans 4 secteurs.

Our partners

Including women, youth and people with disabilities in Associations/NGOs and Cooperatives ensures the inclusive development of a resilient economy.

Local associations and NGOs

Local associations and NGOs are present as close as possible to the populations, before, during and after the crisis. Having linguistic and socio-cultural proximity and a better understanding of the needs of the populations, local associations and NGOs play a crucial role in the effectiveness of aid and the search for sustainable solutions. Once their skills are strengthened, they can prevent or respond effectively to crises. 

They can act locally, in areas inaccessible to internationals, for peace and sustainable development..


It is widely accepted that cooperatives are an essential means of combating poverty and, as such, contribute to development in Africa. They represent a significant share of the private sector in most countries, particularly in agriculture, a key sector and the leading creator of jobs on the continent. Cooperatives, based on the values of democracy, fair distribution of wealth created, both private and collective ownership, and solidarity, enable a just and sustainable transition in Africa.

Introducing the Skills4aid Team

Your support changes lives

Together Let's Make the World a Better Place!

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Vocational training and social and economic reintegration of illegal migrants returned to their country are among the solutions needed for a sustainable return.

Augmentation de la qualité et de l’impact des initiatives de renforcement de compétences.

Skills4aid encourages a culture of innovation and invests in training in new technologies


Bintou Sylla

Founder and Africa Director

A lawyer by training, specializing in human rights at the Saint Louis University Faculty in Brussels. With nearly 20 years of experience in the fields of justice, protection and humanitarian coordination, Bintou has solidified her skills both at the national and international levels, notably with the Public Prosecutor of Brussels, UNICEF, UNHCR, the Regional Office for West and Central Africa Save The Children, OCHA and the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator.

In her role in Africa, Bintou has always focused on strengthening authorities and Civil Society Organizations in Africa so that they play a major role in the international humanitarian aid system and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Bintou has worked in Belgium, the Republic of Guinea Conakry, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Rwanda, Cameroon and Niger. 

Currently, NORCAP expert on aid localization with the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Cameroon.  

Nabindou Traole

Responsible for the professional training sector

Holder of a Master's degree in international development from Laval University, Quebec-Canada, Ms. Traolé Nabindou was an administrative and financial manager for several years in the road and bridge works control office in Côte d'Ivoire. In Canada, she held the positions of deputy project manager, deputy coordinator and general coordinator in several NGOs and within the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal. In addition, Ms. Traolé worked at the West African Development Bank (BOAD) in Lomé, Togo in the project monitoring and evaluation department. She has expertise in capacity building in the areas of resource mobilization, promotion of gender equality and child protection. Currently a consultant for support to local NGOs in Côte d'Ivoire, Ms. Traolé has a particular interest in gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. 

Joan of Arc KOUADIA

Administration and Finance Officer

Holder of an engineering degree in Accounting and Finance, a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, a certificate in NGO Management, a Certificate in Humanitarian Project Management and a Master's degree in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (KALU Institute) currently in training.

With over 17 years of experience, Jeanne d'Arc has an excellent command of the accounting cycle, the production of financial statements and reports and financial communication. She has worked in the context of financing from international donors: PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) / CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention), USAID and ECHO.

Among Jeanne d'Arc's achievements in supporting Civil Society Organizations, there is in particular the development of internal control procedures, the drafting of administrative and financial procedures, the mobilization of resources, the development of financial reports, the development of the accountability framework and governance documents.

Jeanne d'Arc also worked as an accountant for the EL RAPHA Medical-Social Center; Administrative and Financial Manager on HIV/AIDS projects funded by PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) / CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention) and Consultant in Administration and Finance at the Abidjan Skin Cancer Prevention Center (CPCCA) with the NGO Secours Médico-Social Ivoirien (SMSI) within it, financial support for the Pierre FABRE Foundation.

Elodie Le Grand

Accountability and CSR Collaborator

Holder of a Master's degree in Political Science from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a DESS in Management and Sustainable Development from HEC Montréal, Elodie has more than fifteen years of experience in the field of humanitarian intervention, international development and human rights protection. She has worked in more than 20 different countries in Africa and the Middle East for various international organizations (OHCHR, ICRC, IBCR). In Canada, she has worked for the private sector, the public sector and taught sustainable development at the Université de Montréal. Since 2023, she has been co-chair of the Accountable Now Independent Review Panel, analyzing organizations' policies and procedures and providing recommendations for better social responsibility and accountability.

An independent consultant since 2013, she supports organizations in their strategic planning, design and implementation of humanitarian and development programs, with an approach based on human rights and results-oriented project management. She also supports companies in their efforts to achieve greater social responsibility.

Nadia Tourqui

External collaborator Democratic Governance.

With 18 years of experience in the international framework, notably the United Nations system. Particularly in Burkina Faso, Comoros, Ivory Coast, New Caledonia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal. Nadia has developed solid skills in:

Advisory support in policy and strategy development, and capacity building in political economy and governance (public administration, local governance, decentralization, elections, security sector reform, justice, human rights and governance assessments);

  • Identification, design, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of development programs;
  • Resource mobilization, partnership development, management of financing agreements;
  • Mastery of United Nations system policies and procedures;
  • Negotiation skills, mediation, political analysis, crisis management and conflict prevention.

Robert Alain LIPOTHY

Responsible for awareness-raising and economic reintegration of migrants.

Robert Alain LIPOTHY is recognized for his expertise and his commitment to migration issues and human rights.

Juriste et électrotechnicien, il s’est également imposé comme auteur et consultant spécialisé dans les migrations et la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains. Il est le fondateur et président de l’ONG ARECC (Association des Rapatriés et de Lutte contre l’Émigration irrégulière du Cameroun).

Visionary and pioneer, Robert Alain LIPOTHY created an organization bringing together Cameroonian returnees from all over the world. This initiative aims to address the complex issues of migration, with a particular emphasis on themes such as prevention, education, empowerment, and sustainable reintegration of returnees.

He actively works to raise awareness among communities, support returnees in their socio-economic reintegration, and promote sustainable solutions to contemporary migration challenges.

Koenraad Van Brabant

Programmatic and Organizational Management Collaborator

Drawing on over 25 years of work in volatile contexts. Koenraad has facilitated numerous strategic analysis and planning exercises. Formerly co-director of the training course “Leadership”. He also led the development of an innovative course on “Effective Consulting”, covering interpersonal and intercultural skills, understanding how organisations and businesses function in a broader socio-political and economic context, organisational capacity building and change management. Focal point for strengthening collaborative work in coordination platforms, networks, coalitions and partnerships. He uses a diversity of techniques and approaches ranging from facilitation, coaching, adult learning, to enable inclusion, participation, trust building and convergence towards a results-oriented partnership.

Smruti Patel

Help Location Collaborator

Smruti is the Founder of the Global Mentoring Initiative (GMI). She has management experience in the business sector and has worked in and on humanitarian action since 1995. She was a member of the Tsunami Assessment Team for the Multi-Agency Thematic Evaluation: Impact of the International Response on Local and National Capacities.

In 2015, she was instrumental in taking the idea of the network (NEAR) from paper to the launch of the network at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016. She is now actively involved in advocating for change towards a more local response. She is a member of the Charter4Change Coordinating Group and a member of the International Steering Committee of the Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP), a network of local and national organisations. 

She participated in the research to develop a localisation framework for the Start Network, to assess and measure their progress in localisation. The ‘Seven Dimensions Framework’ is now used and adapted by many humanitarian organisations and country teams.

Fongoh Eric

Environment and Community Development Collaborator

Fongoh Eric is the Co-Founder and General Coordinator of the International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) with over 13 years of experience in capacity building and partnership in environmental development programs and contributes to policy consultation, UN expert meetings, negotiation for policy makers of the Sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO6). Fongoh Eric Co-chairs and facilitates the accreditation process of ICENECDEV with the International Mountain Partnerships, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI), United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) as a major group, under the Civil Society Unit.

Pierrette Delamou

Directrice du bureau Skills4aid Belgique

Pierrette holds a Master's degree in political communication and international affairs from the European School of Communication-Brussels. After an experience in the field of communication with UNESCO in Mali and within the framework of the Support Program for the Reform of Justice of the European Union in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pierrette specialized in the field of good governance and financial risk management, particularly in the private sector as an anti-fraud and compliance analyst for Banque NICKEL in France and in the humanitarian sector as a consultant in the evaluation and strengthening of organizational capacities of Civil Society Organizations for the Save The Children West and Central Africa Regional Office.

Dominique Kegoum

Partnerships Officer (Cooperatives and CSOs)

Dominique holds a Bachelor's degree in German with a Civilization option from the University of Yaoundé 1 and a Master's degree in International Relations with a specialization in Humanitarian Action and Sustainable Development obtained from the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon. Dominique has a good experience in Cameroon within national organizations such as CHOI (network of national and local NGOs in Cameroon) and RESPECT CAMEROON as a program assistant as well as in the international organization Care International as a coupon manager. She has acquired skills in capacity building of African civil society organizations, program management and coordination of humanitarian projects.
Dominique is a passionate humanitarian and her commitment to helping vulnerable populations is reflected in her daily work, where she implements innovative solutions to meet urgent needs.


Expert en Agriculture Durable

Mr WASSOUO EZEKIEL MANDEL a obtenu un diplôme de Technicien Supérieur d’Agriculture au Collège Régional d’Agriculture de Maroua en 2010. Par la suite, il a poursuivi ses études en obtenant son diplôme en Sciences de l’ingénieur, option Productions Végétales, au Département d’Agriculture, Élevages et Produits Dérivés (AGEPD) de l’École Nationale Supérieure et Polytechnique à l’Université de Maroua (ENSP /UMA). Depuis 2018, Mr Mandel exerce en tant que formateur au Collège Régional d’Agriculture (CRA) et à l’École Technique d’Agriculture (ETA) de Maroua. Dans ce rôle, il partage son expertise et sa passion pour l’agriculture, en mettant un accent particulier sur les ‘Pratiques Agricoles Durables et Respectueuses de l’Environnement’. Mr Mandel appui également l’Association Action pour le Respect des Droits de l’Homme et Dignité Humaine (ARDHU) dans le cadre de la protection de l’environnement. Mr Mandel est passionné par l’agriculture biologique et est convaincu que l’adoption de Pratiques agricoles durables est essentielle pour améliorer la qualité de vie des communautés locales.


Responsible for the renewable energy and environment sector.

Mirande holds a master's degree in energy and environment, certified in solar systems from the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences.

Mirande has over 5 years of experience in capacity building and management of renewable energy programs (mainly solar PV and biogas) acquired from national and international institutions. Miranda founded the Cameroonian association Etoile Filante which carries out an innovative and sustainable ecological cooking project.

She is passionate about innovation and energy transition for better food security and sustainable development in Africa.

GADJE M. Koudjovi

Représentant Skills4aid au Togo.

Monsieur GADJE M. Koudjovi a fait ses études universitaires à l’Université de Lomé option Sciences Sociales et Humaines de 2005 à 2009 pour obtenir son diplôme de Maîtrise en sociologie politique et communication. Après la maîtrise, Monsieur GADJE M. Koudjovi fit le bénévolat de 2009 à 2012 puis le volontariat national de 2012 à 2014 à l’ONG Collectif des Associations Contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT). En 2017 il créa l’association Action Collective pour le Développement Intégral de l’Enfance et de la jeune Fille (ACDIEF) ayant pour objectif d’œuvrer pour l’autonomisation des jeunes filles et des femmes, promouvoir les droits de l’enfant et de la jeune fille et l’engagement des jeunes pour la paix en Afrique de L’ouest et le Sahel. 

GADJE M. Koudjovi

Représentant Skills4aid en Guinée.

Bangaly MARA contribue à la promotion des DSSR (Droits à la santé sexuelle et reproductive), l’autonomisation des jeunes, la lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre et la consolidation de la paix. Il est diplômé en Administration Publique. Tout au long de son parcours professionnel, Bangaly a travaillé avec des ONG de la société civile à l’échelle nationale et internationale. Notamment Human Rights Commission (IHRC), International Frontiers For Peace And Humanitarian Organization, Model African Union For Youth, Mouvment Against Gender Based, Rajgui (Réseau Afrique Jeunesse de Guinée), ReLAIS (Renforcement Local des Associations et Initiatives Sociales).

Bangaly MARA dirige l’ONG AJED (Appui Jeunes pour le Développement) pour l’autonomisation économique des jeunes en Guinée.


Représentant Skills4aid au Burkina Faso.

Soumaïla KIRAKOYA est titulaire d’un Master II (BAC 5) en Suivi-Evaluation des projets et programmes à One ligne Training Center ( OTC ) à Ouagadougou et d’une Maîtrise en Sociologie en Genre et Développement à L’Université Joseph KY-ZERBO de Ouagadougou. Il a 27 ans d’expérience en Education en tant qu’inspecteur de l’Enseignement du Premier Degré (IEPD), responsable de la formation à l’ONG Progettomondo, Consultant en Education de Base à la Firme Alinea International.

Soumaïla dispose d’une expertise en Education avec un accent sur les questions du Genre.

Les projets dans lesquels il est intervenu sont essentiellement des projets en lien avec : l’éducation, la cohésion sociale et la protection générale.

Soumaïla est profondément attaché aux question d’égalité du genre, l’autonomisation des jeunes filles et l’éducation juste et équitable pour Tous.


Représentant Skills4aid en RDC.

Delphin BISIMWA BUTAMA possède une licence (Bac +5) en Droit/droit privé et judiciaire, université du CEPROMAD, et une licence (Bac +5) en Développement communautaire/ Gestion et Administration des Projets, Université Ouverte de 2004 à 2009

Il a une solide expérience de travail avec des projets et bailleurs internationaux dans plusieurs domaines y compris le droit de l’homme (OFDA, HCR, UNICEF, CARE, Handicap International, CIRDAID, UNFPA, OMS. Plus de 5 ans d’expérience en droit des sociétés commerciales et dans la gestion des projets de développement. Delphin BISIMWA BUTAMA est Coordinateur de l’ONG ACHUD.

Forte connaissance en mobilisation communautaire, gestions des projets l’autonomisation des jeunes et femmes et les projets de formation en métiers d jeunes..