GRANT OPPORTUNITY: GH Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Activity

Eligibility: U.S. and non-U.S. public, private, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, public international organizations, and non-governmental organizations

Current Closing Date for Applications: May 29, 2024
Award Ceiling:


The strategic objective of the project is to increase implementation of theory-informed, evidence-based, locally-led SBC programming. While focused primarily on health, the project may address SBC needs in other sectors, with particular attention to areas of potential complementarity such as environmental conservation, agriculture, food security, and nutrition. Within the health sector, the project will maintain a substantive but non-exclusive focus on family planning, reproductive health (FP/RH) and reproductive empowerment; malaria; and maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH), with attention to emerging pandemic threats and other infectious diseases. Considerations of USAID priorities such as localization, gender integration, youth engagement/integration, health systems strengthening, the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people, the inclusion of people with physical and cognitive disabilities, engaging the voices, skills, and experiences of all—including marginalized and underrepresented groups such as racial, ethnic, and Indigenous communities— and climate change, will be a focus across the project.

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