Opportunité de partenariat au Cameroun

Strong With Breastfeeding Only Initiative in west Cameroon

In the document of ''National Policy and Standards on Breastfeeding'' of 1994, it is recommended among other things that ''in any health establishment, any household and any community in Cameroon 1) All pregnant women must be prepared to practice breastfeeding; 2) every mother should be encouraged to put her baby to the breast as soon as possible after delivery and preferably within half an hour, when both mother and baby are well; 3) Any baby born in Cameroon will be exclusively breastfed and at his request, day and night, until the age of six months; 4) breastfeeding will be continued to two years and beyond, while introducing adequate complementary at the age of six months. Data from recent surveys showed that breastfeeding practices have improved in Cameroon over the past decades. 

Expected Results By end 2025, increase the proportion of newborns put to breast immediately after delivery by at least 20% and exclusive breastfeeding by 10%. With this project, the actions below will be achieved by 2024: - Strengthen the capacity of breastfeeding counsellors/supervisors and community health workers - Implement, monitor, and report on social and behavior change strategies and on the Decree for the commercialization breastmilk substitute - Enhance coordination and information management systems of nutrition at district and regional level.

 Deadline: December 22, 2023 

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