Opportunité de financement Ambassade des Etats Unis Yaoundé


The U.S. Embassy Yaoundé Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) announces the availability of funding through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This is an annual request for Statements of Interest (SOI), outlining funding priorities, strategic themes, and procedures for submitting requests for funding. Please carefully read and follow all instructions below.

 The submission of a SOI is the first step in a two-part process. Applicants must first submit a SOI, which is a concise, 3-page concept note designed to clearly communicate a program idea and its objectives before the development of a full proposal application. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants the opportunity to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to undertaking the development of full proposal. Upon review of eligible SOIs, PDS will invite selected applicants to expand their ideas into full proposal applications.

Purpose of Small Grants: The PDS grants program supports projects proposed by U.S. and Cameroonian academic, cultural, educational, and other non-profit organizations and/or individuals that promote U.S. values, increase understanding between U.S. and Cameroonian people and institutions, and/or support U.S. Embassy goals of promoting government transparency and accountability, economic prosperity, peace and security, environmental sustainability, and climate adaptation. All programs must include an element of American culture or society, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.

Priority Program Areas:

·        Governance: Projects promoting democratic principles, improved and inclusive governance, transparency, human rights, religious freedom, empowerment of marginalized groups, citizen engagement, including in elections, civic education, and civil society.

·        Prosperity: Projects promoting economic prosperity, entrepreneurship, bilateral trade and investment, countering corruption

·        Security: Projects promoting peace and security, rule of law, alternatives to violence in resolving conflict, tolerance, preventing radicalization to violence, improving mutual understanding between groups, community policing

·        Sustainability and Climate Change: Projects promoting environmental sustainability and addressing climate change

·        Journalism: Projects promoting a professional and independent media, role of informed citizens in a democracy, media literacy, ethical and investigative journalism.



Current Closing Date for Applications:Jul 15, 2024

Estimated Total Program Funding:$ 100,000

Award Ceiling:$25,000

Award Floor:$5,000

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